Thursday, 28 August 2008


I spent yesterday afternoon photographing Olivia. At just under 2 she has no interest in having her picture taken, we just let her 'do her thing' and I was there to capture it.

I love this kind of shoot with children; it's absolutely the best way to capture thier personalities. As a mother myself I know that I am going to want to remember my little boy exactly how he is and not all spruced up for a formal studio shot. I hope that yesterday's images have captured the essence of Olivia, a beautiful little girl!

Here's a sneek peek at some of the images.

Friday, 22 August 2008

She's a big girl now!

Ellie started school this week, I can't believe she's that age already, time really does fly. She looked so small in her blazer and her school bag was nearly bigger than she is... It brought a lump to her Auntie JuJu's throat, I am so proud of this wee girl.

Here are some photos from before and after School Day No 1.

Fiona and her boy!

I had a shoot with Fiona and Thomas recently, Thomas was more interested in the garden than having his photograph taken. Luckily Fiona was looking for natural shots. We ended up with some lovely mother and son images... Here's a sneek peek of a few from the day!

Sunday, 10 August 2008

Sunny Days.

What on earth has been happening with the weather recently? I know that I shouldn't expect much from Scottish summer but a little less rain would be nice! Today's image is a little reminder of the very short sunny spell that we had a couple of weeks ago... Come back sun, please!

I love this photograph, it reminds me of being a child myself, when days were long and the summer lasted forever...

Friday, 8 August 2008

Hey Joe!

Joe is my nephew and Godson, he's 1 and he is adorable... Always on the go, there's no stopping Joe.

It's his turn to feature today.

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Ellie II

Here's another couple of images of Ellie from the other day! There were so many that I liked, she's a natural in front of the lens.

Wednesday, 6 August 2008


I had a really nice day yesterday. Had my hair cut and then spent the afternoon with my Mum, sister and our 3 little kiddies. We did some gardening and then went for a lovely long walk in to the village.
I had a 'mini shoot' with Ellie along the way, she's quite the little model!
This is my favourite image from the day.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Bundle of joy.

So what better way to start my blog than with some piccies of my favourite subject, my 16 week old son Daniel. I've a feeling that this wee chap is going to feature on here quite often... I apologise in advance if you get bored but to me, he is the cutest wee thing in the world!

These shots were taken the other day when he sat in his Bumbo seat for the very first time, the expression on his face speaks for itself, totally disinterested until he found his toes.

Isn't he just scrumptious?


Thanks for dropping by, this is the blog for Julie Vance Photography and I'm Julie.
I'll be using this space to post recent and favourite work so please feel free to check back often!

My new website is currently under construction but, it's nearly finished and should be 'going live' in the next few days. Please feel free to contact me if you would like information on either a wedding or portrait booking before then. Leave a comment here or mail me at Hope to hear from you soon. xx