Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Sunday, 28 September 2008

Libby the cat.

Another flying visit from me as I have a wee boy who's just about to waken up hungry!

Another pet portrait to add to the collection... Libby the cat who didn't seem to mind been woken up from her nap to be photographed. Here's my favourite of the bunch.


Thursday, 25 September 2008

Busy, busy, busy.

Business has been busy, busy, busy since I came home from America. New enquiries are coming in every day and next years wedding dates are booking up fast. The diary for this week and next is jam pack with client consultations, client viewing sessions, engagement shoots and supplier meetings which means that my blogs will probably be short... So for now, here's more from the beach.

Sunday, 21 September 2008

I'm back...

It doesn't seem like over two weeks since I last posted here but it must be because my trip to America is over and I'm home again, missing the sunshine already.

I took a whole stack of personal photographs which I will be posting here if I ever get around to sorting them all out. I have a terrible habit of downloading my personal shots to the laptop and then never doing anything with them although this time will be different (I say that all the time!)

Thank you for all the enquiries while I've been gone, I will contact you in the next few days if I haven't done so already. October is booking up fast but I do have a couple of dates left so please get in touch soon if you are interested in booking a shoot.

Today's shots were taken during my time in America on Wrightsville Beach, Wilmington, NC... I hope you like them!

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Park Life.

Saturday was spent with 5 of my favourite people in the world, my husband, sister, Ellie, Joe and Daniel.

We had some lunch at the village pub and then went for a wander along to the park. I, of course. had my camera with me to document the occassion... Just as well as apparently it was the best day of Ellie's life (her words) so I'm sure she'll want some photographs to remember it by. I took loads, here are some of my faves!

It's a dog's life!

Pet Portraits, a new style for of photography for me.

My first canine model is Jack the Dog who was perfectly behaved for approximately 10 minutes before deciding that the photo shoot was over!