Friday, 13 March 2009

11 months.

I've just realised with my last post that today is the 13th of the month, Friday the 13th no less!

More importantly, around here that means that Dan is 11 months old today. What a bitter sweet feeling, I am so happy and proud of the little boy that he has become but also just a teeny bit sad that my baby is growing up so fast... He's going to be 1 long before I'm ready for it!

And... (whisper) he slept through the night last night (whisper)

Here he is, the apple of my eye, my pride and joy, my little boy, Daniel.

Long time no see.

So, I have been exceptionally bad at posting here recently haven't I? I find myself apologising once more. I realise that there are a few of you who follow this blog regularly ( Thanks!) so I realise that it is frustrating when I fail to update it, so once again, I'm sorry.

As always, things have been pretty busy. I've recently started shooting 'Intimates Portraits' which have been going well, watch this space for some Intimates posts in the near future.

Wedding season is upon us also so I've been busy meeting with couples to finalise arrangements and discuss album requirements. Again, watch this space for some wedding posts coming soon!

And finally, I've been shooting portraits which I've been busy editing and processing orders for, there is not enough hours in the day to do everything that needs to be done is there? No complaints from me though!

Anyway, no post is complete without a picture. So here's one of my faves from a recent portrait session... Some of you might recognise this chick!

Alison... Doesn't she look good?

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Lost Mobile!!

Apologises to anyone who has been trying to contact me on my mobile today.... I've lost it!!

I am still available on the Landline which is 0141 849 6186 and will be available on my mobile again in a couple of days when my replacement arrives. The number will remain the same.