I love this image, I love that he's concentrating so hard and I love that his sand is missing the bucket, he kept going though and got there in the end.
I took this a couple of months ago on his 2nd birthday, he's growing up so fast.
Dan{}my first baby{}my only boy{}is growing in confidence every day{}but is still a thinker{}is a mummy's boy{}adores his daddy{}loves ice cream{}would eat apples all day long{}loves to draw and paint{}would play with his trainset forever if he could{}is obsessed by trucks, cars, trains, planes and fire engines{}is fully potty trained{}but still has a dummy{}likes to be cuddled to sleep{}and still wakes up in the night{}talks all day long{}knows all the words to 'wheels on the bus' and will happily sing along{}has a great sense of humour{}has two little sisters that he adores{}loves animals{}likes to jump in puddles{}loves to go out in the car{}the museum is one of his favourite places to be{}has a best friend called Joe{}loves Ellie and would be quite happy to follow her about all day{}gives great cuddles and sloppy kisses on the lips{}has recently discovered Astroboy and is watching it every day{}likes to go swimming{}has a bath every day and loves it{}has only ever had 1 shower and hated it{}is quiet and thoughtful{}has the loveliest, gentlest nature{}makes his mummy and daddy proud every single day{}is an absolute joy.