Sunday, 24 April 2011

Featured - Plans and Presents Blog

I'm pretty chuffed to share with you this feature of my work on Plans and Presents Blog.

Plans and Presents is a UK wide Wedding and Event Planning service based in Glasgow, owned and run by the lovely Alison Tinlin. I've followed the blog for a while and love some of the work that's been shown there so it's an honour for me to have my images featured there!

I would like to thank Alison for showing my work and urge you all to contact her if you need an event planner of any kind!

Follow the link below to see the post in full. :)

Have a great Easter Sunday. :)

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Competition Time - { Renfrewshire Wedding Photographer}

comp image

Are you getting married between September 2011 and May 2012?

Enter this fantastic competition from Julie Vance Photography for your chance to win a wedding photography package worth £1000.

The prize for 1 lucky couple includes a wedding consultation, an engagement shoot, an enlarged engagement image for guests to sign, all day photography and a disc of hi res images.

Every entrant will recieve a 10% discount on wedding photography if they decide to book with Julie... Win, win!

To enter just email Julie@JulieVancePhotography and explain why you deserve to win this wonderful photography package. Do you have a special love story, a funky wedding theme or are you planning under pressure? Anything goes, just let me know! Please include a picture of the happy couple for use on the blog.

Finalists will be posted on the blog and the couple with the most comments wins, simple as that, spread the word!

•Prize includes wedding photography within Scotland. Entries are invited from outside Scotland, but travel and accommodation costs will be payable.
•10% disount will apply to the prize package only ( all day photography and a disc of images). Discounts do not apply to additional digital images, albums and products. To secure these discounts, weddings must be booked before 1st June 2011.
•Entrants will be required to provide a photo for the blog. Nothing fancy, mobile phone images work fine!
•Entries will be posted on the blog of Julie Vance Photography on 1st May 2011. Voting will be open for one week, closing at midnight on 7th May 2011. The winner will be announced on the blog on 8th May 2011.
•Entrants’ contact details will never be passed on to a third party.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

New Package for 2011.

I'm happy to introduce to you, a new package for 2011.

I like to think of it as 'Keep it Simple'

Basically, it's photography by me, all day, from your preperations until your first dance. It also includes a wedding consultation, an engagment shoot, an enlarged engagement image for guests to sign and a disc of fully edited images from your big day.

All for £1000.


That is all. :)


Tuesday, 5 April 2011

It's oh so quiet...

... I really must apologise, it's been deathly quiet round here for far too long now. My excuse? Being Mummy to 3 children under 3 and running a business, spare time is sparse!

The thing is, the busier I am, the less time I seem to have to post here. I actually considered shutting the blog down and just using Facebook but I've had so many nice emails asking about the business and my family that have encouraged me to keep going with the blog. Thank you to everyone who has contacted me over the last few months.

Loads has changed since I last posted here. My twins are no longer babies and Dan is no longer a toddler, they're growing and changing every day. I can't believe how fast time has passed.

Business has been steady but the last few years have been devoted to being Mummy rather than Photographer/Business woman however, I'm back and motivated to grow my business to another level so watch this space! :)

I've got lot's of great things in the pipeline starting with a very, very exciting competition to coincide with The Royal Wedding. There's going to be great give away here... Spread the word to all Brides and Grooms!

So there we have it, it's good to be back!

And just because no blog post is complete without a picture....

...Here they are, the 3 wee bundles of love who keep me on my toes. :) :) :)
