Wednesday, 29 October 2008


The weather has been sooo bad here recently. Usually I can put up with a little rain but it's been awful, I've had to rearrange various location shoots because of it, I really don't like rearranging, I feel as if I'm letting people down but I suppose it can't be helped.

So in the coming weeks I've got location shoots in Paisley, Byres Road and Kelvingrove so there's busy times ahead. Please, please, please stay dry.

Anyway, here's some random shots to keep you going all of which were taken in the aforementioned locations. Some of them are just for fun and others will be produced as prints for sale in the near future... Watch this space!

P.S It's my Dads' birthday today... So if you're reading this Dad, Happy Birthday, we love you. xxx

Friday, 17 October 2008

6 months.

The apple of my eye...

7th October 2008

Two years ago today I married my best friend, cheesy but true!

Two years, two houses and 1 baby later and I couldn't be happier... Life is good.

Photographs courtesy of Alan Waddington... Thanks Aldo!

Wednesday, 1 October 2008


I love photographing children, they're my favourite subject and I love nothing more than photographing them as they change over the days, months and years. This gorgeous little newborn resting on her mummy's shoulder is Rachael whom I photographed back in January when she was a teeny tiny few weeks old. I was back to photograph her again recently...

...And this is Rachael now, doesn't time fly? She is adorable such a petite little lady with the most beautiful blue eyes that you will ever see.

Thanks for having me back!