Monday, 17 November 2008

Beth and John - Ruby Wedding Anniversary

On Friday, at long last, I got to meet Beth and John who have recently celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. Their son Douglas booked this shoot as a gift to them way back in August and I think that we all beginning to worry that the session would never happen; Finally, last week we managed to be in the same place at the same time... Hurray!!!

It was lovely to meet Beth in person as I feel like I've known her for ages because of all the telephone conversations that we've had. It was just as nice to meet John and hear all about their family. They are such a nice couple and it was a pleasure to photograph them together. John is a character, he's got a great sense of humour and clearly still makes Beth laugh after all these years together. I really wanted to convey that in my photographs, I hope that I've succeeded.

Beth and John - Congratulations once again, here's to many, many more happy years together.

Some of my personal favourites from the shoot.

The tenderness in this shot is lovely;
I just love a bit of lens flare;

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