Monday, 15 December 2008

I'm still here...

... This blog has been neglected, I apologise but I’ve but my poor wee baby has had chicken pox which means that time has been sparse. Thankfully the wee guy has really picked up, in fact, I would go as far as to say that he is completely back to normal.

I’m so glad that he’s doing better, the last 2 weeks have been horrible, nobody warns you about this bit of being a mummy, it was terrible to know that he was feeling so bad and that there was nothing that I could do about it…Apart from lot’s and lot’s off cuddles and love which I have to admit was as much for my benefit as his. Anyway, as I said, he's doing much better now and is going to his first Christmas party tomorrow... Yipee!

Things have been good business wise; I’ve booked more 2009 weddings and have another few couples to meet, there’s been portrait shoots to edit, client orders to get organise and planning new things for next year, such as ‘Outdoor Kids 2009’’ which I am very excited about. (More on that later!)

I'm pleased to say though that there has still been time to get into the Christmas spirit, the house is decorated and looking lovely (even if I do say do myself), the presents are bought (but have still to be wrapped) and I even found the time to make some Christmas Crackers with my niece Ellie on Friday which was fun, fun, fun!

I’ve also taken LOADS of personal photographs over the last couple of weeks so watch this space as I’ll be posting my favourites here.

So, to start them off, here's Ellie on the carousel, taken at George Square on Saturday.

I just love the last one, her face says it all!

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