Thursday, 14 January 2010

I'm back... With a belated introduction.

Where does time go? I can hardly believe that August was the last time that I posted on here. Obviously a lot has changed for me since then... I was a mum of 1, and now there are 3!!!

Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody who has contacted me to ask about the babies. I've been completely humbled by the well wishes, it really is very touching to know that people have been thinking of us; Thank you.

The girls made a very smooth entrance into the world on September 19th 2009. I'm proud to say that they managed to hang on until 36 weeks 6 days which is pretty good going for twins. Ana came first at 3am followed by Sophie, 23 minutes later. Ana was (and still is) the larger of the 2 wieghing 5lbs 6 and Sophie, a teeny tiny 5lbs 3.

Although early and tiny they were both healthy and came straight to the ward with me. For this, I will be eternally grateful as my greatest fear was that they would have to go to special baby care but thankfully not and 5 days post birth we came home.

Fast forward 4 months and here we are, they've settled in and well and we can't remember what life was like without them! We're parents of 3 and our wonderful boy is a big brother... We're a family of 5 and happy as happy can be!

So that's it, the pregnancy, the birth and the newborn days are over and it's all back to normal for me! I'm available for bookings and have been shooting weddings, portraits and boudoir which I'll blog about in the coming weeks so watch this space!

And now for the good bit, photographs of my identical twin girls, Ana and Sophie.


ana hospital

sophie hospital





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