Friday, 29 January 2010

Wendy - Boudoir Photography Glasgow

I've been dying to post these images from a recent boudoir shoot but held them back as they were a gift for Wendys husband to be!

She and Scott were getting married last week in the beautiful French Alps and she wanted a gift to give him on the morning of the wedding... I'm sure he was over the moon, what lucky chap wouldn't be happy to marrying a girl who looks like this!

Wendy emailed me after the shoot to say that she'd really enjoyed it and had felt very relaxed throughout, I think that shines through in the images. She also said that she was really pleased with the results which, coming from her is an especially big compliment. You see, Wendy is an (extreemly talented) artist so probably has a more critical eye than most! You can view her work and find out about her exhibitions here

Have a look at the site, it's definately worth a visit.

The lady herself... Wendy.



One of my favourites


Love love love this one!

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